The joy of having the license to practice medicine is what every medical student desires, because in reality, medical school is a long stressful journey yet a great one. There will be times when you need constant motivation to move on, times when all you can do is pray, times when you enjoy being a medical student and times when things are hard and nothing feels right.

Whenever I remember the story of Joseph, the dreamer, I am always so motivated to trust God and wait for His time. The story is one that depicts waiting on God and remaining faithful in His word. Joseph had a dream about his future but the interesting thing is that his trials weren’t consistent with the dream, they didn’t even relate to anything about his reign or rule.
One would ask; Did he ever doubt his dream? Did he ever get frustrated that nothing was going right? Did he doubt God at any point? Did he exercise patience in the times of trials?
Whatever the answer is, Joseph was faithful and saw his dream come to pass.

As a medical or dental student, what is your purpose in medicine? Where is your focus? Do you have a glimpse of your future? Where do you see yourself in the next few years? When the trials come, what keeps you going? For Joseph, I believe he held on to the dream and kept enjoying the process God was taking him through.
Now when the presentation didn’t go well / you got sick during exams / the results didn’t come out good / the workload for the week is just too much, What do you do? …. Remember why you started, pray to God for strength, be within the right association, spend time analyzing your performance and what you can do to become better. Don’t quit, Don’t give up, just keep moving till you cross the finish line.
Even when you don’t see/feel it, just believe God is working something in that period. At the end of everything, what will be your story?

By: Inumidun Law-Adepoju, EiC CMDA ABUADTH


Why did Jesus have to die?
The one perfect person but in a grave He did lie,
Betrayed by a disciple, denied by a brother
Beaten in innocence and killed in place of another

Spirit made flesh, He came to walk amongst us
A representation of God, he lived for us
The devil’s influence slowly cutting into us like knives
But He came to nullify the devil’s works and give us new lives

All, He did for us and yet we decided to take Him down
We chose a murderer over a savior,
Beaten and mocked Him with a thorn crown
Yet he prayed that we may change our behavior
He suffered and then ….. He died.

The heavens couldn’t bear to watch, so they darkened the clouds
And the earth mourned so much that its foundations shook.
This had to be the end, or so we thought
We had failed to understand what his shed blood was worth
His blood type, when infused in us, had brought about salvation instead of agglutination.

The signs that followed His death shone a ray of hope for our future;
The temple veil was torn, showing that He had made a way
His side bled blood and water so that out of our bellies shall flow rivers of living water
The tombs of the saints flung open causing all that lay dead in us to be given life.
When he uttered those words, “It is finished”
The devil’s influence on us was diminished.

Then on the third day, HE AROSE.
He came back to show us that he wasn’t done with us,
Gave us the Holy Spirit to tell us that He would never abandon us,
Sent His disciples so his Word would reach us all
And he gave us a mandate, one that is capable of speaking for us.

So, if I’m asked why He had to die,
I can proudly say that He died so that you and I will live.

By Ukomah Chiedozie I.K


“The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever” Rev.11: 15b

We have to realize that as Christians we have been created to have influence and dominion. This verse above reveals what will happen in the end, but how it will happen is for us to decide; whether we will stick to purpose or not.
God is calling His people into every sphere of influence to have authority and bring in the culture of Light. Be it family, media, health, politics, science, education, faith or any other area, each person has a purpose on earth. Everything in life, either promotes God’s kingdom or the devil’s kingdom, which are you promoting? You have to be intentional about your answer. Remember, you are a Christian first, so everything you do has to be inspired by your purpose and passion.
It doesn’t have to be on social media before you can influence. Start with your family, friends or in your school or fellowship. In every area of life, you can be a person of influence. You aren’t influencing to get money or followers, but most importantly, to establish the kingdom of our Lord. We are children of Light and so we shine wherever we are, we influence people for good, consciously or unconsciously. We can’t remain silent and watch the world become the devil’s playground.
Apostle Paul, because he understood his purpose, didn’t see imprisonment as a limitation to share the Gospel. Though he was physically bound, he knew his impact wasn’t bound. As Christians, trials will come our way but we must understand there is purpose in the pain. Even in times of trials, purpose can still be fulfilled. Be an Ambassador of Christ.

By Law-Adepoju Inumidun


The Star always placed at the top of the christmas tree
To me reflects the coming of the Light
Having glowed from the east guiding the wise men
To me signifies the reason for the birth

I just imagine if God had abandoned man
Seeking no way of redemption for the world
What would have become of man?
Our souls would have perished in hell

But no, my God made a way
Coming in the form of man and living amongst men
Yes, my God became the Way
Born to die, restoring the lost relationship

Suppose Christ based his purpose on man’s actions
He wouldn’t have gone to the cross let alone die for our sins
Yet while we were still sinners Christ died for us
He loves us with an everlasting love

My Christ crucified on the cross of Calvary
To me he is my saviour and redeemer
He counted all the cost and still laid down his life for me
He died, was buried, and resurrected for me

Now I live in Him and He lives in me
Together we tell the story and it’s message
Christ is the way, truth and life
No man comes to God except through Christ

Now when you look at the star on the Christmas tree
Remember Christ, for he came and died on the cross
God is with us even as we celebrate Christmas
The reason our Emmanuel came

I just want you to remember Jesus is the reason for the season and most especially the reason you will live forever. Accept Christ if you haven’t , for He is waiting with outstretched hands for you.
By Inumidun Law-Adepoju


Twas the evening,
then the morn,
Twas the birth of history’s most beloved son.

There was the cross He bore,
The garment of hatred He wore.

He was the call for all,
To salvation,
The Mighty man,
who could call forth a thunderstorm.

Here was the mighty fisherman,
The Priest of Peace.

He is the mighty roar of a great King,
And Safety is all He brings.

Who will go with me to worship this King?
Who can sit and worship at His feet?

Who is this man that’s all there is,
Who queens long to meet?

He waits and watches and hopes to see,
That I would one day open up my heart to perceive;

That at that very moment I believed,
His wonderful presence fell on me.

Ojelade Damilola

Almost another 365 days isn’t it? Christmas bells are ringing, decorations already put up, stories of Christ birth being told, the sweet aroma of food fills the street and all around the Christmas cheer.
It’s a time of rememberance both of the good and bad, those we lost and those born to us, friendships lost and those we gained. The tears we shed, the wins we celebrated.
It’s the festive period…
A period we celebrate our Christ birth
A time of giving more,
A time of laughter,
A time of telling about Christ’s love and all he has done,
A time to remember how faithful God is.
It’s a season of love,
And Jesus is the reason for the season!.
it’s CHRIST-MAS, Christ’s day!
A merry merry Christmas to you all and a prosperous new year in advance

Emma-Iruayenama Victoria .A.


A series… Part III

So, I call him Daddy
Because he is my father
Because he is responsible
Because he is my provider
Because he is my protector
Because he loves me.

By Odafe Okparanyote


A series…Part II

I call him limitless
He sent the biggest man in town,
To wipe away ONE woman’s frown
So, I call him limitless
Because borrowed and empty
Has Became full and plenty.

Odafe Okparanyote


A series…Part I

I call him Matchless
He’d send a shepherd boy alone
To kill a giant with one stone,
So, I call him matchless
Because He doesn’t lift a finger,
He is a perfect gentleman,
He fights with his word.

Odafe Okparanyote

The office partner

Getting this new job should have been great but its not. Staring at the computer all day explains my blurry vision but that doesn’t explain how irritated I get when I see this colleague of mine that sits right opposite me at work. Seeing her is like seeing a jar of pickles.

Elaine got the job after I did and her getting the promotion before me spiked up a wave of hatred inside of me for her. Her brash tone and rudeness is next to her vanity. My boss is a very calm woman who sees nothing but the good in everyone who works for her. This annoys me because if I were her I would have sacked Elaine.

Tuesday morning has to be the worst day ever, because why on earth would my boss pair with Elaine? Doesn’t she know I hate her? I mean, we have to spend time together, talk most of the time and go to each others houses if necessary. I do not want to go to her house, because the atmosphere would only be filled with hatred. Well, I need the extra money, so I have to brace myself for the worst in working with Elaine.

The first meeting wasn’t so bad because it was over zoom. Not seeing her physically, reduced my hatred for her. Subsequently, we had zoom meetings but I still have to go to her house to rehearse for the final presentation. When I got to her house, I was surprised at what I saw because why would someone so dark have such lovely flower colors on her table? I expected very dark colors.

She started off by offering me water which I obviously rejected then started working on the project and for some reason, when we began gisting I realized that we do have some things in common. She likes dogs and she loves travelling…so do I. In the middle of our conversation, I just had to ask her why she was always so mean at work; especially to me. She then told me that she was like that because I was cold to her and not so welcoming. Me being cold to her didn’t give her a space to mingle with me.

“Really?”, I asked. I never knew I was mean. I thought I was the nicest person on earth but she said otherwise. She also commented on how our other co-workers have complained about me being odd, not smiling and not so cheerful. At that moment I thought to myself, “Wow, I never knew I acted this way”. I thanked her and promised to work on myself.

We finished working on the project and the following day, we presented it to our boss. When we got to her office, my boss told Elaine to leave the office but not me. She said there was really no need for the presentation, that it was all a set up. Elaine is actually her niece, she wanted us to get along because she loves us both. She told me people are different and have different characters however, we should learn to love one another regardless and that was the aim of her plot, which she achieved.

God created everyone of us with love and we are supposed to radiate that love to everyone around us. We should make allowances for each others mistakes because of that love (“Be patient with each other, making allowances for each others fault because of your love” – Ephesians 4:2). Do not judge people, get to know them. Loving people might be difficult at first, but God has given us a spirit of love, so deep down we can learn to love people and if you are struggling to love just ask God to help, He has the solution to every problem.

A dose of love can brighten up someone’s day because you don’t know what they are going through. A smile, a simple “good morning” or a hug make people feel loved and important. So, go out there and show some love!


The Doctor’s Peace

“And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”(Philippians 4:7). Living isn’t easy, and we can say that the difficulty is raised to the power of a thousand when it comes to medical and dental students. We are faced with constant insurmountable course load and back to back examinations, with barely enough time to breathe in between. It’s easy to get pulled into this whirlwind that is our life, and lose our center. We become overwhelmed and just try to push through and barely get to the next level.

But it doesn’t have to be that way for us, especially because we are believers. We’ve been promised that the thoughts of God towards us are good, and he wants to give us a good result (Jeremiah 29:11). That is our first comfort when it comes to this race that is our medical and dental profession. Also, in the fourth chapter of Philippians, Paul tells us that the peace of God that surpasses all understanding guards our minds. This means that despite the fact that there is a normal physiological reason to panic, God’s peace surpasses it and gives us calmness and comfort.

As we go into this exam week, and throughout our journey through life, let’s always take a moment to breathe and remember that we don’t have to be anxious. We can tell God about everything (Philippians 4:6) and let his peace surpass every anxiety, even as he gives us a good result.

Have a lovely week.

Bible reading: Philippians 4:6-7


What does Easter Mean To You?

The joy of Easter

Romans 14:17 (For the Kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost).

For me, Easter is a period of celebration, reflecting on Christ’s death, glorying in his resurrection and in the light that the grave could not tame the truth.

The period Christ was going to die was the darkest moment for him. He was betrayed and denied by Peter who was confident in his relationship with Christ. He was totally helpless and how he wished the cup could pass over him but he waited because he knew of the glory that awaited him after. Hallelujah!

When Christ told Peter he was going to deny him three times, he doubted the possibility of that ever happening because he loved Christ sincerely and was ready to go anywhere with him. After the cock crowed as Jesus said, it dawned on Peter. He had completely collapsed under sin and failure and felt so ashamed. He committed the worst kind of denial and pleaded guilty.

The Story became different after three days. Christ power conquered death and rose to victory. When the women went to the tomb to anoint the body of Jesus, of course he wasn’t there, they met an angel instead who announced the good news to them and instructed them to tell the disciples including Peter. Yes, he wasn’t excluded and this gives me so much joy that Christ was still intentional about this man.

I really wonder how Peter felt hearing this good news. He was restored alongside with his vision, ministry and dreams. This season is a reminder that even in our darkest of moments, there’s a glory awaiting us hallelujah!


It’s indeed the most wonderful time of the year,
It’s the season of bright lights and colourful nights.
When the rains give way to winter’s call,
When the song of the bells echo across every hall,
When the earth remembers how Heaven reached down to us all.

But what is the reason behind our joy?
Is it just that we have come to the end of the year?
Or could it be the nostalgia that comes with the harmattan air?
Maybe it’s the precious moments that we get to share.
Maybe it’s the new clothes we get to wear.
All these are wonderful reasons, but tonight, this is my solemn prayer.
That our eyes never lose sight of Heaven’s answer to us here.

That to us who believe, this season is not merely about drinks we share, or the myth about Santa and his numerous reindeers.
That the reason for this season, is one name-Christ.
It’s the awareness of the birth of our salvation
God’s ultimate gift to mankind-his son’s birth
The true Messiah born to save us from eternal death
And He remains unhidden
Shining his bright light from within
Ever seeking to be one with us
Not just as a friend but as a Father
So His love lives in us for all to see,
And this joy that we share, is available to all who believe
That truly, is our Christmas message- Christ is born,
And Light has come


For Christmas…

Love warmer than summer’s rays,
And passion deeper than a lover’s gaze,
This is what we feel everyday, when we remember who the Father gave.

Divinity willingly wore humanity,
Just so that He could be with us for all eternity,
This is what we call Amazing Grace.

When we sing of a silent night, when we rejoice about that Holy Night,
It is because all were in the wrong, but a baby in swaddling clothes had come to make us right.

We cannot deny the love in the air,
Immeasureble yet unprecedented,
Unimaginable and yet so different.

The awareness of Christ has come to stay,
And His absence is never to be felt again,
In the darkest nights, in brightest the days,
We have a bright morning star that reassures us of His love every single day.

What we have is not religious,
What we have is Jesus.
The light of our life
The hope of being
The One who washed away our sins.

This is our reason for this season,
And the best part?
This relationship with Him? It’s only the beginning.

Stay blessed.


The Lord of Love

Of all the blessings we have received Of all the Grace of God we need The greatest gift that remains anew Is the love of God for me and you

I asked myself, “How could it be?” That a son was sent to die for me To wash clean of my earthly sin And make me better than I’ve ever been

I searched the books, the facts and the history Trying hard to uncover this mystery I just seemed farther from getting it But I didn’t give up my search. I guess I was desperate.

One very day, my search paid off Cause my discovery to me was unheard of The Bible gave me a perfect answer In the wonderful first Corinthians chapter

As I sat in awe and much relief Scanning the chapters with utter disbelief I came across the chapter 13 I read the verse 8 and I fell into thinking

This kind of love, unblemished love This love of God, everlasting love The love that saved us from destruction And brought us out to find redemption

The love was given out of free will No extra charges, no hidden bill Just the hope that all would feel This love and make it real

I was at ease, the search was over Went down on my knees to praise Jehovah I had to go and share this story And let this world be aware of His Glory

I made up my mind, I had my resolve To follow this God, this Lord of Love To spread these words that I had been given And win more souls for Heaven.



He is like the jeweled light that dances on the sacred floors. I have tried to capture it before, the exact shade of his smile, the hue that sparkles in his laughter. I have tried to piece the glass together in a way that recreates the curl of his hair in the rain. The most glorious window in the world would not do him justice. But that does not stop me from trying.

I form the feet of the crucifix first, always the feet, pinned to the deep brown shades of the beam, floating above my suggestion of Golgotha with a peculiar anguished grace. I form the feet first because that is where I imagine the color was the deepest, the shadow and the blood.

He does not check on my progress often. I have made a name for myself amongst the stained-glass artists, to be sure, and I usually prefer to be left alone to my work. But the workshop has an empty heat to it without him there, which used to feel like home but now scorches me. I walk by the church every day to watch as its pieces are maneuvered into place, to watch the vaults of his brilliance take shape. Each day, pale stones, carved and sanded by bloody hands, rise towards the heavens. The mechanics of it all astounds me. He stands and monitors the dance of the beams, or he climbs the scaffold with a muscled ease. He laughs with the masons and the laborers, or he yells that a stone must be shifted before the whole delicate monument comes crashing down around them. I watch the empty places for the windows take shape, making note of the way they will catch the light. He deals in wood and stone, in structures that defy the earth and wind. I deal in colorand sunbeams, in the scorch of the furnace that turns sand to glass.

After I form the feet and the top of the hill, I piece together the sky. I am careful to follow the shapes I’ve traced, to mix the dyes into the glass with precision. This sky will be shades of violet and gold, interspersed with squares of deep, longing blue.

Some days it feels as though the cathedral has always been, that its skeleton long predated the clumsy homes around it. He took it over when the first architect died of old age. The first architect was a withered man who thought in squares and triangles and uninspired towers. He thinks in arches, in the graceful shape of collarbones and the curvature of long necks bent into kisses.

The day I finish the last of the sky, he comes in and tells me to stop. There is to be another war, he says, and there will not be enough laborers or lumber or stone. 

The church must wait.

We are both too old for war, with gray in our hair and lonely years tucked away in our hearts. We are old, but he is called upon to fight and I am left behind, my bad leg weighing heavily on my conscience, along with memories of the last war. He told me to stop, but while the world forgets to spin I work on the window and try not to think of his footprints on the bloodstained battlefield. After the sky is finished, I take a break from the crucifix and design the smaller windows. In one, I craft a dove with silvery feathers. In another, a vibrant tree. I set each image in the deep blue panes of my sorrow and imagine the end of the war. It is a strange thing to be alone in a time such as this. I sometimes wander down the village streets, avoiding the half-formed flesh of the cathedral. I limp past women and children, nod at the other infirm men who stayed behind. The world is dull, cast beneath a dark grey sky.

We receive little news from the front. We hold our breath, or our families, or our bottles close. All I do is pray. It’s the only thing I know how to do asides making windows.

I return to the crucifix after nearly a year. I dye the glass for the broken body, mixing the shade into one that reminds me of him. The arms and legs fall into place quickly and I try not to think of the soldiers who will come home without them. The panes of glass I fix in place between thin bands of lead called cames. They hold the pieces together, bind each portion of the image as I go. I wish that I could bind the memory of him to myself, if only to cast a glimmer of brightness into this mere existence.

As abruptly as it began, war is over. This is what the villagers say, a whisper passed from neighborto neighbor under the shadow of the unfinished cathedral. There are new lines to trace on the maps of the world, lines that will surely change again before our lifetimes are done. No one will tempt fate by rejoicing. Not until the soldiers have come home. I finally bring myself to visit the church. I begin sweeping leaves and dirt from the scaffoldedcorners, clearing the way for his return. It feels a meaningless task, but I breathe easier in the ceilingless walls of stone than I do in my workshop. The villagers take it as an act of worship. Some join me in clearing debris, others offer pious nods as they pass. Perhaps it is an act of worship, though my reverence is for someone else. In a slow trickle, the first of the soldiers return. He is not among them. Many of the villagers celebrate, others fold themselves into mourning like a tomb. I am patient and hold hope tightly, but each day I visit the cathedral the stones feel colder. A few of the laborers come by, skin and bones and colorlesseyes, asking when the work will resume. I tell them I do not know.

I save the face of the crucifix for last. I craft the crown of thorns, offset against a golden aureole and dark hair. The face is the hardest, and I realize as I set the eyes—honeyed brown ovals of the clearest glass I’ve ever made—that they look like his eyes. The crucifix is supposed to seem peaceful, serene in sacrifice. Mine weeps, tears of colorless glass and transparent sorrow. I see myself reflected in those tears, full of doubts. I tell them I do not know.

On a warm spring day, one month after the end of the war, he appears in the half-complete cathedral doorway. He is scarred and has forgotten what it is to laugh. But he is back, and my innermost heart sings. He throws himself into the work. The laborers left uninjured by the war join him, hiding from unseen wounds beneath a sheen of sweat and dust. The village begins to find its way into life again, after so long in the half-light. It takes months to repair the time-worn sections of stone and scaffold and begin new construction, but eventually the spires of the cathedral begin to rise. I finish the last windows, impossibly tall lancets, frame them in iron, and wait. We install the windows nearly a year later on a series of clouded days, the sound of distant thunder ringing in our ears. I watch helplessly as they maneuver my delicate glasswork, guiding each window into its place. The crucifix is the last to be installed, set in the largest south-facing window.

When it is done and the sun returns, he and I enter the cathedral alone. The floors are unfinished, the sanctuary unfurnished, yet the space pulls the air from my lungs. Dazzling hues dance on the stone, illuminating the soaring vaults in ethereal shades. We pause before the crucifix, struck motionless by its glory in the early morning light. I am suddenly aware of his arm, hanging just inches from mine as we gaze at the most stunning window I have ever made. He is awash in violet and gold, dappled across his face like feathers. I have never seen anything so resplendent as the small smile of awe that pulls at the corner of his mouth. For a small, holy moment, he reaches out and we stand, hands clasped tightly together as the half – light stains its color onto our skin.


A Letter to ABBA

Your love has become the centre of my muse.
And it’s become quite befogging, the things I now find myself wanting to do for You.
Even my thoughts that often wander about, now seem to have found a safe place in You.

You, ABBA, have become the subject of my soliloquy,
The source and of all my joy, the passion behind all my energy,
My inspiration, and the very theme of all my poetry.

Only You can say what you’ve done to me, because even I cannot explain.
From the moment I understood what You did at Calvary,
All my desires have turned into an epiphany,
Not just to me, but to everyone around me.

My soul now burns with the intensity of a thousand suns,
Yearning to show forth the light of the gospel that now echoes in my bones.

Necessity has now made her voice known to me,
Demanding that I tell the world about the depth of that glorious victory,
That the Tomb of the Sovereign King still remains empty,
That Death dared to swallow Life, but instead choked on eternity!

As long as Your breath is in me,
My pen will bleed this message in poetry,
And my voice will swell in joy to all those who will hear me.
Because this message is all there is,
And it’s all there ever will be ❤



In every new day and every new phase

As bright and true as the shining sun

In every ease, struggle, joy or pain

Is an ever perfect beauty called Love

Love is here

Right here as I stand in the light

As I raise my shield of faith

Right here as I learn to open my eyes

And as I’m set free from the blinding scales

Love is here

Ever able and always calling out

Even in the cloudiness of doubt

In the noisy waters and the heaviest sin

Love is right here mightier and willing

Love is right here

In all of the heat and darkness in the world

In the midst of the hate, pride and lust

Wars and rumours of wars

Love is here, the sure answer to it all

Love is here

Sprouting even in the soil of shame

In the “I don’t deserve it” pain

Shaky feets and arms that fail

Staring right into your face and daring to say;

“It’s okay, let’s try this again”

Love is here

As the Spirit on the inside of me

Overflowing like a fountain that breathes

A strength and help in times of need

And the seal of the Father’s promise

Love is right here and love will never leave

Love is here

Greater than all my soul could seek

Everlasting like the Father who gives it

And enduring like the Son who lived it

Love is the God who sustains all things

And Love is more than enough for me


Joy in His Presence

I am happy
Not the ordinary kind that barely sends shivers down my side
No, I am truly happy
My skin is shining, glowing, radiating with God’s glory
Slowly sliding towards the beginning of my carefully written story
I feel free, alive
I can finally breathe, finally stand on my own feet
It hurts but with baby steps I’ll make it to giant leaps
I am finally becoming who I was designed to be
Because my father has plans of good and not of evil for me

The steps I take henceforth are solely guided by him
For the life I love now I love only for his glory
To him my soul and spirit I do release
He that is in me is greater than he that is in the world
That is why even through the storms and turmoils he called every stubborn wave
Held me by my right hand
Promised to keep me safe
When fear and worry overcame my world he said be still and know that I am God
In times when it was all sorrow and mourning
He restored my joy tenfold in the morning

I know I said I was happy
Well…I’m not
I am filled with joy so,
I am beyond happy for though happiness is temporary, joy is eternal
It’s engraved in me
It has become part of my deepest being
It has brought light to my life
The kind that cannot be shadowed by strife or suffering or difficulty or darkness
This joy I have because I now dwell in his presence.


What’s Left?

I wrap my fingers tightly around the clinging plastic of the trash bag, pull it open as wide as it’ll go, and watch him dump the remnants of our happiness into it. His large arms twist and flex unnecessarily as he shovels extra residue and scraps of entree into the bag. His upper lip is a thin white line, stretched tight below frowning eyes.
The faint and smoky gleam of the first stars illuminates our dining room. The windows are open to the still air, mingling the scent of grass and dew with the smell of recently extinguished candles. Near-empty glasses of wine sit with little pools of ruby liquid congealing at the bottom. I examine the imprints on the glasses, pink half-moons where lips lingered, small smudges from restless fingers.

I clear the table and he rinses the plates, loading my great-grandmother’s delicate china into the dishwasher with a force that makes me cringe. I say nothing but plan to return later and wash it all by hand.
Somewhere outside in the cool October air rings the plaintive, staccato song of an owl.
Not long ago, I would have added my voice to the bird’s, smiling at the easy rhythm of the duet. But tonight, silence slices into the fading evening once more and I leave it to fester like an open wound.

He leans backwards against the kitchen counter, glass of amber-colored whiskey in his calloused hand. I feel his eyes follow me around the room as I continue tidying up, returning the candles to their places, piling the used cloth napkins near the hall that leads to the laundry room. The starlight catches on the folds of my satin dress as I move. I haven’t worn a dress in ages. It feels foreign, out of place against my skin.
“Some party,” he says.
I nod, barely meeting his sharp grey eyes.
“Surprised the Adewole’s came. I haven’t talked to Tayo in ages.”
I shrug. “I ran into Eniola at the store the other day and reminded her.”
“Oh.” He runs his finger along the rim of his glass, staring at the chairs where Tayo and Eniola sat only an hour earlier. “Did you see Tayo at the store, too?”

“No, just Eni,” I reply lightly.
He stands, leaves the kitchen, and plops himself into an armchair in the living room, whiskey still attached to his hand like glue.
I glance away, my gaze lingering on the neat bookshelves in the corner where Tayo and I had chuckled over our mutual dislike of Great Expectations, reminiscing about wrinkly Dr. Barnum’s English Lit course. As we spoke, I realized Tayo hadn’t changed much since college; his eyes still held that idealistic sparkle that made us instant friends. I, on the other hand, have faded. Dulled.
Tayo was too polite to say anything, but I know he noticed.

“How long is your sister staying in town?” His voice is gravelly, starting to slur.
“Just until tomorrow afternoon. We were thinking of getting coffee together before she leaves.”
“You two didn’t talk much tonight,” he notes.
“No,” I reply, wiping the table slowly. “She’s been a bit reserved since the divorce.”
“That’s a shame. I liked Drew.”
“I didn’t,” I say quickly, feeling my blood heat in my cheeks as I think of the man’s infidelity, of how broken Sarah was when she called and told me everything. “I never did.”

He stills, musing and nursing the last of his whiskey. I watch the way it lingers on the fine line of his lips, which are pursed even more tightly together.
“We can leave the rest for tomorrow,” he says, gesturing at the last of the mess. “Come sit with me.”
I wipe down the last corner of the table, taking my time as I place the damp towel on the edge of the kitchen sink. I straighten the hem of my silvery dress, imagining for a moment that it is armor, cold and heavy and safe.
When I approach, he pulls me onto his lap with one hand and rests his chin on my taut shoulder. His face is hot, burning against my skin.
“Happy anniversary,” he whispers, wrapping his free arm a little too tightly around my waist.
“Happy anniversary,” I reply. I watch the starlight glitter in the diamond on my finger, catch a glimpse of my dark eyes in the golden band.
I try to remember when we first met, years ago, back before this sour taste hung in the air between us. All that comes to me is dim figures, specters and stains of who we used to be. Me, young and bright, full of the effortless weight of possibility. Him, tall and smiling, overflowing with confident infatuation.
But I realize now that he’s always had a bitterness to him, hidden beneath a fine layer of cloying honey. And from the first time we kissed, we burned into one another like cheap vodka and called it love.
He tilts his head, leaning into the curve of my neck. His soft waves of hair tickle my chin.
“You’d never hurt me, would you?” he asks. It’s more of a statement than a question, firm with a small lilt of uncertainty in the final fatal syllable.
I turn a little, forcing him to lift his head from my shoulder and meet my eyes.
“Would you?” My voice is little more than a whisper.
He is silent. Somewhere in that vast, unspoken space between us lies the answer to every question. I stand, watching his fingers cling for a moment to my hip before falling away, his hand wilting like a lily too long removed from the sun.
He rips my armour into shreds and rapes me for the 3rd time this week. Caught in the silence with an echo left in space. I envy loneliness so adjust my standards.

The owl resumes its song and I cross the room to close the windows, shivering at the final gust of cold air. I see myself reflected in the glass, my face distorted by the angles of the windowpanes. His figure is little more than a streak of color in the reflection, distant and unremarkable.
I glance over at what’s left: the garbage bag in the corner, crumbs on the table, empty wine bottles on the counter and the last bubbles of dish soap in the sink.
“I’ll take the trash out in the morning,” I say, and head to bed without looking back.


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